The Power of Community



Some of my favorite people (and one stuffed animal) helped me celebrate my birthday earlier this week.

This birthday felt like a big one. I’m thankful for the life I’ve had and at the same time I want to “ponder the path of my feet.” (I love that phrase in Proverbs.) I want to pause and look at the direction of my life to make sure I am heading the way that reflects who I am.

And this blog has been part of the pondering. I love writing. I have to write. Really, I do. One time I tried to give up writing and ended up scribbling my thoughts on napkins. It’s a definite need. And as I write, I want to write things that add value to the lives of my readers.

I am so thankful for you, my readers. I am thankful that you clicked the follow button and joined this community of Hope Warriors. I am amazed that something I wrote resonated with you and made you want to read more. Thank you for allowing me to share bits and pieces of my story with you. Thank you for being a part of this community.

As I wrote on my “About Me” page, I believe we are made for hope and I equally believe that we grow stronger by being in community with other hope warriors. Hope warriors are not people who have it all together. They are not people who give surface answers to the messiness of life. Hope warriors are people who know their own brokenness, who aren’t afraid of the brokenness they see in others. They are people who say “I am with you. You are not alone.”

Our world needs hope warriors. It needs people who can stand firm in the swirling darkness and say “What you mean for evil, God will turn into good.” Our world needs people who cling to the beauty of redemption, because there is so much that is broken.

Since our world needs hope and hope warriors need each other, I believe our little community is going to grow.

I’d love to know: What are some topics you’d like to read about? Is there an aspect of fighting for hope that you’d like to know more about?  Are there questions about hope that you want to ask? Would you like to share your story of fighting for hope by writing a post?

Keep fighting for hope, my friend. I am so glad you are here.


0 thoughts on “The Power of Community”

  1. Your words do touch, inspire and add value to life and namely mine my friend. I would like for you to continue to write about what your struggles and brokeness have taught you and as you ponder where your next turn or fork in the road may take you. Please take me, us with you! And I t may t as me me some time but I think to wrote it, but since you asked, time I share my story of hope! I just may have to get you to edit before we post! lol

    1. Thank you Kim! Your words are so encouraging! I would love for you to share your story. Your story is worth telling and will inspire others. I know you inspire me!

  2. “Hope warriors are not people who have it all together. They are not people who give surface answers to the messiness of life. Hope warriors are people who know their own brokenness, who aren’t afraid of the brokenness they see in others. They are people who say ‘I am with you. You are not alone.'”

    These words have touched me to the core, Erin, in ways that I’m not sure I can describe. I already loved your term “hope warrior;” it was the main reason I followed you (not just because you’re my cousin!?), because a Hope Warrior is what I wanted to be. Now that I’ve read your definition, I believe I already am one, which is a powerful thing for me to believe during this time when believing (especially things about myself) is difficult. I would love to talk to you about sharing some or all of my story either here (if you think it would be appropriate) or sound you out about starting my own blog (I can do that, right? Family privilege? ?).
    I love what you’re doing, and look forward to catching up, both with your blog and with you.
    Linsey xxo

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