Not The Way I Imagined It

My journey with the word Strong has not gone quite the way I expected. #strongin2016 is fleshing out a little differently than I imagined.

Can you relate to a journey filled with bumps in the road and curves you can’t quite see around?

Today I’m writing about my One Word journey over at the blog. I’m thrilled to be a part of this warm and encouraging community. Check out my post today by clicking here!

One Word for the New Year

I love beginnings. I love endings. But middles….not so much. I usually begin every year with a list of resolutions that are, admittedly, unrealistic.

This year I’m trying something different.


I’ve joined the community at in choosing one word to pursue for the entire year.

One word to focus on. Just one word.

The word I’ve chosen is Strong. I want to pursue strength in 2016. I want to be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually stronger at the end of the year than I am today.

If you are a frequent visitor to my blog you know that my favorite topic is fighting for hope in this broken world. So you might be wondering how fighting for hope is going to connect with becoming strong.

It connects perfectly.

Fighting for hope is a constant, costly battle that wears on us-mind, body and soul. We need to be strong to fight, or we will constantly find ourselves reacting in knee-jerk fashion to people, to circumstances, to our own emotions.

I see 2016 as a year when the fight for hope becomes more than defense against the brokenness that surrounds us. What if we fought strategically? What if we took care of ourselves in a way that gave us energy to fight? What if we were even strong enough to reach our hand out to others and say Hope is worth fighting for! Come fight with me!

These life-changing what ifs make my soul sing! If Dan B. Allender is right when he says “hope is by far one of the most dangerous commitments we make in life,” then we need to be strong to fight for hope.

I’ll hope you’ll come back and become #strongin2016 with me.