Encouragement on the Dark Days

One of the hope warriors in my life pointed me toward this song. She doesn’t think of herself as a hope warrior, but I’ve watched her dig her heels in and fight hard for hope during the past seven years. I’ve seen her hold on to the hope that God is working, no matter how overwhelming the darkness feels.

Seven years ago my friend’s mother shut down mentally, emotionally, and physically. It has been an emotional journey for my sweet friend, watching her mother become a shell of the person she once was.

Then, 6 years into the journey, my friend’s father unexpectedly passed away.

Still she fought for hope. And to this day, she fights. She is a hope warrior.

It had been an extremely difficult day with her mother when this song came on the radio. The words of this song reminded her that she is not alone, that this journey isn’t over yet. This song reminded her to hold on because the Lord isn’t finished with her mom yet. Or with her.

I hope this song will encourage you, dear friend, in your journey. If it brings someone to mind, please share it with them. They might need these life-giving words today.

We Were Made for Remembering

The interstate was packed with people trying to get home after a long day of work. I was one of those people, but my mind wasn’t on driving. I was struggling with the loss of a friendship, the sting of betrayal, and the fear of being alone. As the road curved a gorgeous sunset filled my windshield, breaking through the gloomy thoughts surrounding me.

And with the sunset, a spark of hope broke through the darkness.

“Even if I can’t rely on their faithfulness, I can rely on yours,” I told the Lord. “Every time I see a sunset, it will be a reminder that your faithfulness never ends, that your faithfulness stretches to the heavens, that you have promised to never leave me.”

And whenever I see a sunset, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness and I feel an overwhelming sense of being loved and held by God.


The sunset helps me remember the depth of God’s faithfulness. And it is good for me to remember, because  I easily forget.

As my children grow, I want them to remember the same truths we’ve talked about in this 31 days of writing: You are loved. You are not alone. You have purpose.

Made to Love by TobyMac speaks these truths with a really catchy tune. I love hearing my children belting out the chorus.

I was made to love You, I was made to find You,

I was made just for You, Made to adore You,

I was made to love, and be loved by You.

You were here before me, You were waiting on me,

And you said You’d keep me, Never would You leave me,

I was made to love, and be loved by You.

I wanted us to remember these truths, so I filled canvases with these words and let the kids loose with the paint.


God reminds us of these truths throughout His Word, from Genesis to Revelation. He says them over and over because He knows we are easily distracted, easily discouraged, and likely to forget these beautiful truths: You are loved. You are not alone. You have purpose.
These truths remind us that we are His.