A Hope-filled Prayer for the Beginning of the School Year

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We like things to be in order. We like schedules and things that can be measured. We like sending our children into a school year refreshed from a great summer, with new clothes, fresh supplies, filled with anticipation.

But these days, nothing seems orderly, nothing feels certain. We are sending our children into a school year with our words of worry ringing in their ears. With the burden of uncertainty on their shoulders. With hearts filled with anxiety. With little hope.

We confess that we have been looking in the wrong places for peace and hope.

The truth is as simple as the children’s song “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” and yet believing it isn’t easy at all.

The truth is that there is so much to be hopeful about. As we send our children into this new school year, with whatever it contains, help us to remember that they are in the palm of Your hand, and that You will use everything in their lives to highlight their deep need of You and Your strong, lavish love for them.

Help us to remember that you are working in the middle of this, and that you are up to something really good.

We confess that we’ve acted as if you’ve taken Your hand off of us throughout this Covid nightmare. Deep down we’ve believed that You’ve abandoned us and expect us to figure out this mess on our own.

The truth is that we have the “immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe.”

This power, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, is at work in us. Jesus is by Your side, governing the universe in ways that bring us good and bring You glory.

We don’t understand how a worldwide pandemic can be for our good and can bring you glory. But we trust you. We trust Your heart for our kids, and for us.

We pray that these uncertain times will draw our children’s hearts to the certainty of your love, your grace, and your goodness.

We pray that these uncertain times will help us to be bold in sharing your hope with others. That as we cling to You, the One who never changes, Your Spirit might work through us to encourage others and point them back to you.

We pray that we would experience the kind of hope that the world around us can’t give : a peaceful heart in the middle of uncertainty, footing when things around us crumble, security in the promise that we are not alone.

Help us, and our children, to rest on Your unchanging character and nature.

Help us to anchor our hearts to your truth.

Help us to stand firm, with Your Word wrapped tightly around us.

Help us to be bold, assured that you are with us every step of the way.

We pray this in the powerful, wonderful name of Jesus,
