We Were Made for Creativity

I worked at the Iron Horse Grill in downtown Jackson, MS when I was in college.  As I waited on customers, I would often look out the windows at the King Edward Hotel, which had been abandoned for quite some time. It was a grand building, and anyone could tell that it had been beautiful at one time. That building should be restored, I often thought, well aware I didn’t have the means or know-how.

Twenty years passed and a group of people with means and know-how restored the King Edward Hotel. I had to go see it.


It was as beautiful as I had imagined.

We ate supper at the Iron Horse Grill, and from our table we could see the King Edward Hotel, in all of its restored glory.


This nostalgic experience pumped up my confidence level. I have good ideas. I wasn’t able to do anything with the thought that the hotel should be restored, but it was still a good idea. So I bought a mug to remind myself to follow my ideas, even if they seem overwhelmingly huge.

Coffee by Jennifer Pendleton at Bricks, French Camp, MS
Coffee by Jen Pendleton at Bricks in French Camp, MS

What about you? Are you leaning toward a book idea? Is there a poem rattling around your head?  Lean in toward your idea, explore the possibilities, even if it seems impossible and overwhelmingly huge. Someone needs to hear what you have to say.

Use your gifts to give others the gift of life. – Ann Voskamp

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