Truth Is Not Always Beautiful

The 31 day writing challenge starts next Thursday!

During the challenge I am writing about truths that can change our lives for the better, if we choose to believe them. Truths that Make Life Beautiful.

Truths That Make Life Beautiful

But this week, I’ve been reminded that not truth is not always beautiful.

And I wish it wasn’t that way.

My daughter and I sat outside, enjoying the fall-ish Mississippi weather. (At 84 degrees, we just know fall has GOT to eventually make its way south) My girl leaned against me and began pouring out the events of her day. I listened as she let out the anger, hurt, and frustration from the day, hot tears streaming down her face.

And my heart hurt for her.

That day she was hit with a truth that is not beautiful at all. The truth that we live in a broken world and rub elbows with broken people all day, every day. Intentionally or unintentionally, we hurt people, and they hurt us.

I wish I could make this world unbroken for her.  I wish I could cover up the ugly and show her only the wonder and beauty this life holds.

In the middle of her fourth grade hurt, I told my daughter these truths,

A. Everyone has something they don’t like about themselves.

B. Some people will make other people feel bad in an attempt to feel better about themselves.

I can’t change these truths so that my children’s lives will be easier. But I can comfort them, and point them to the One who is Truth. The One who holds their heart in His Hands. I can trust that He will use these events over time to shape them into strong, godly men and women.


I am thankful parenting has a lot of practice time built-in. The skinned knees and the spats with siblings were only the warm up. Now we are moving into real life, real hurt, and I want to give my children the tools they need to live well in this broken world.

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